Who are we?

Christ Church is involved in many areas of local life, always seeking to connect people to Christ. As well as offering traditional life events like baptism, marriage, blessings, funeral and bereavment services, we host a modern community centre which provides education, leisure, social and entertainment facilities to our community. Many of us contribute to keeping Christ Church at the centre of its community.

Read our welcome leaflet HERE

See a snapshot of a year at Christ Church

Our Clergy Team

Find more about us by clicking our names below. Click the name again to close the details popup. Clicking an image will open a full size picture in a new tab.

Contact us

Simon  – Vicar

Norma – Associate Minister

Daphne – Associate Minister

David – Associate Minister

Moira – Associate Minister

Anne – Lay Minister

Ailsa –  Lay Minister


Genny – Lay Minister

Operations Team

Find more about who we are by clicking our names below. Click the name again to close the details popup. Clicking an image will open a full size picture in a new tab.

Tim – Director of Music

Carol  – Parish Administrator

Daniel – Secretary Finance & Governance Group

Andrew – Chair Finance & Governance Group

Alex – Verger

Jim – Church Warden

Paul – PCC Treasurer

Stephen – Gift Aid Manager

Chris – Christ Church Site Operations Manager

Jenny –        Community Centre Operations Manager

Steve – Communications