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New Weekly Daytime Groups Starting in 2024


New Weekly Daytime Groups Starting in 2024

We are delighted to announce that following recent meetings very good progress has been made with the following:

• A weekly Spiritual Reflection group ‘Treasure Together’, on Mondays from 12 noon – 1pm in the Large Meeting Room Community Centre responding to the question where are we seeing God at work? This weekly group starts on the 15th of January.  Further details from Miranda Ng, James Davies-Spratt, Simon Stevenette

• A Parent and Toddler group uniting with the present Little Fishes group for a joint venture on Thursday mornings 10am-12noon. Further details from Chris Smith, Alex Davies-Spratt and Daphne Hardwick.

• A Monthly Bereavement Support Group for those on their own for whatever
reason on Tuesday afternoons. Further details from Anne Grainger or Ailsa Palmer.

• A Men’s Support Group sharing common interests to run on Tuesday
afternoons. Further details to follow from Chris Smith, Simon Stevenette and
Mike Frost-Foster.

• A monthly Iona Worship group – venue St Mary’s Church on the last Friday of the month beginning Friday 26th January 10-12 noon. Conversation, worship and prayer with a social justice theme. Further details from Daphne Hardwick or Norma Mckemey.

All welcome!  If you would be interested in attending any of these groups have a word with a member of the staff team or Parish Office for further details.

New Weekly Daytime Groups Starting in 20242024-01-17T12:01:41+00:00

Lawn Manor Academy Forest School helps with tree planting at Christ Church


Lawn Manor Academy Forest School helps out with tree planting at Christ Church

Check out this newly released article about our Eco Group’s recent tree planting on the Christ Church site with help from pupils from the Lawn Manor Academy Forest School …


Lawn Manor Academy Forest School helps with tree planting at Christ Church2024-01-10T09:57:48+00:00

Our Christmas Services


If you weren’t able to join us last Sunday evening for our magical candlelit service of readings and carols, you can find it online here

Sunday 24th December 2023 – preparing for Christmas
  • 10am Holy Communion – 4th Sunday of Advent join us online.
  • 11pm – Midnight Mass – traditional Service to welcome the birth of Jesus – jon us online
CHRISTMAS DAY IN CHRIST CHURCH – Monday 25th December 2023
  • 10am Family Christmas Holy Communion – join us online
NEW YEAR’S EVE -Sunday 31st December 2023
  • 10am Holy Communion join us in person or online
  • 11pm Watchnight Service to welcome the New Year- join us in person or online
Our Christmas Services2023-12-28T16:37:32+00:00

Swindon Town Football Club Carol Service

Swindon Town Football Club Carol Service
Dear Swindon Fans
Please join the football club and all the players at our Club Carol service on Monday 18th December 6.30pm at Christ Church in Swindon for a fun informal celebration suitable for all ages.
We would like to encourage you to wear Club colours and sing your hearts out to well-known Christmas Carols.
We are grateful to the Club for providing light refreshments in Christ Church afterwards.
Please pass the word around and invite your family and friends.
Admission is Free but there will be an opportunity to give towards our Swindon Christmas Charity project.
All are very welcome.
A Christmas thought
May the faithfulness of the Wise Men
The Joy of the angels
The wonder of the Shepherds,
the love of Mary and Joseph
and the peace of the Christ Child
Be God’s gifts to you and your families and all at Swindon Town Football club
This Christmas season and always
Further details from Swindon Town Club Chaplain and Vicar of Christ Church, The Revd Canon Simon Stevenette
Tel; 01793 529166
Email; simon.stevenette@gmail.com
Swindon Town Football Club Carol Service2023-12-13T12:03:11+00:00



The results are in for this year’s fundraising efforts for the Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust and Christ Church with St Mary’s and St Mark’s

We are pleased to announce that the Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust has confirmed that the Christ Church with St mary’s Team and St Mark’s raised the total sum of £1,261.

Half of the sum raised is used to support the charitable work of WHCT and the other half will returned to Christ Church and split proportionally with St Mark’s according to sponsorship raised by participants.

We would like to thank everybody who took part in the event as either a Rider and Strider, Welcomer, and especially all those who contributed the much needed funds!

Next year will be the 40th Anniversary of Wiltshire Ride and Stride. The trust intends to mark this achievement in a unique way and urge everybody to enjoy celebrating this special day as a Parish, Rider and Strider, and Sponsor.

Please save the date: Saturday 14th September 2024.

Thank you all for your support!

RIDE + STRIDE FOR CHURCHES 2023 UPDATE2023-12-11T16:05:27+00:00

Bishop Neil’s Welcome


Bishop Neil Warwick

Bishop Neil Warwick was consecrated Bishop of Swindon on Thursday November 30th at Canterbury Cathedral.

At Christ Church, we have the privilege and responsibility of hosting the Diocesan Welcome
service and Reception for Bishop Neil.

The Old Town Partnership Choir will be leading the worship.

We would love you to join us for this special welcome service at 6.30 pm on Sunday 3rd December but if you can’t be with us in person, you can still catch up with the service on our YOUTUBE live stream below.

You can also watch a recorded stream of the  service from Canterbury Cathedral here

Bishop Neil’s Welcome2023-12-02T14:53:25+00:00

Christ Church Charity Christmas Market 2023


The Popular Christ Church Charity Christmas Market returns this weekend!

Why not join us this Saturday,18th November 2023 between 11am and 2:30pm for the popular Charity Christmas Market at Christ Church and the Community Centre – FREE ENTRY!

To be opened by the Mayor of Swindon and Father Christmas at 11am.

There will be over 30 local charities in attendance with stalls full of Christmas present gifts and ideas.

As well as the great choice of stalls, further highlights include:

Father Christmas
Christmas Carols sung by the choir
Festive handbell ringing
Bell Tower Tours (timed entries)

Please note that all participating charities will keep all of their proceeds.

Christ Church and the Community Centre
Cricklade Street

For more info:
email: sec.focc@gmail.com
Tel: 01793 617237

#christchurchswindon #christmas2023 #christmasmarket

Christ Church Charity Christmas Market 20232023-11-15T16:26:56+00:00

A Soldier’s Story


A Soldier’s Story

I was 15 when my journey started when I got on that train to Aldershot, I was a bit scared but excited all at the same time and wondered what the future had to offer.

After my training my military career not only took me to some wonderful places, I met people who I not only owe my life too, but they will always be in my thoughts, and I owe them everything and that created a bond that will never be broken.

At the age of 28 I was injured serving and had to be airlifted out of conflict, which I felt was letting my comrades down. That feeling hasn’t left me and after months and months of rehabilitation unfortunately I was medically discharged which devastated me as I was leaving the only thing I knew from school.

My fighting didn’t end here as I was torn from something I loved which has taken its toll on my mental health. At the time I was in denial and stuck my head in the sand. It took me until I was fifty years old to realize with the help of wonderful friends and people, I met at church that I was suffering and needed help.

I reached out to the charity Help for Heroes, and they have been amazing in helping me overcome my past which will only make my future very positive.

So, on remembrance weekend have a thought for all those veterans and families who are still fighting every day with trauma and injuries. I am so proud that I served, and I owe everything to the armed forces and that bond I will have for life.


By Paul Flounders, a member of our congregation, who served in the Royal Logistics Core and Royal Green Jackets.

A Soldier’s Story2023-11-10T13:01:48+00:00

Are You an Young Entrepreneur?

For our 10-year anniversary at the Community Centre @ Christ Church, we are running an event to give young people the opportunity to show entrepreneurship.

We are running a competition and asking young people to come up with an innovative fundraising idea or event.

The top 3 entries chosen from each age category will have the opportunity to pitch their idea to a panel of local business professionals including Nick Hewer of Apprentice and Countdown fame on 20th January 2024.

The winner of each age category will have the opportunity to bring their idea to life and will of course win the top prize.
Prizes to be confirmed.

Age categories are: 8-11 (junior school) 11-16 (secondary school) 17-18 (college students)

Closing Date for entries is: 8/12/23

Please get in touch for an information pack and application form if you are interested in joining as part of a school, college, or young people’s organisation.

Find out more and download the poster at the following page to display in your organisation:

Best Wishes

Contact details
If you have a question about this event, please contact:

Chris Smith
Are You an Young Entrepreneur?2023-11-10T15:42:29+00:00

Swindon Borough Remembrance Commemorations


Services of Remembrance this weekend in Swindon and The Lydiard Park Field of Remembrance

In the absence of a Bishop of Swindon this year, Simon has been asked by the Bishop of Bristol to lead the townwide services of Remembrance in his capacity as Mayor’s Chaplain.

Please remember our Mayor, Councillor Barbara Parry in your prayers along with all those taking part.

There are two services at The Cenotaph, firstly on Armistice Day Saturday 11th November at 11am and secondly on Remembrance Sunday 12th November.

Please gather from 10.30am for the services.

We also have our 10am Family Holy Communion with Act of Remembrance at Christ Church this Sunday  – led by The Revd.
Norma McKemey with Genny Williams preaching

In addition, please can I encourage you to visit the Field of Remembrance at Lydiard Park any time over the next fortnight. It is an amazing site. There are short services every afternoon at 2pm. This was featured on Points West on Wednesday 1st November.

Please remember our colleagues Clive Deverell and Trevor Day in your prayers as they lead this outreach.

You can find out more about the Fields of Remembrance at:


Thank you gratefully, Simon.

#christchurchswindon #remembranceweek2023

Swindon Borough Remembrance Commemorations2023-11-10T13:59:33+00:00

Remembrance Week – Memorials and Graves at Christ Church


As part of Remembrance Week, why not visit our War Memorials in the church and the Commonwealth War Graves in our burial grounds

Christ Church Burial Ground houses the graves of more than 20 servicemen from World War I and II, and other conflicts.

Janet French has taken a lead in managing our War Graves liaising the Commonwealth War Graves Commission to ensure those remembered at Christ Church are properly honoured.

Janet has worked to produce a list of those remembered, along with some local research about them.

You can also find out more and search our memorial database on our website at:


There is also a folder with this information, on the war memorial inside the church, which can be read whilst visiting.

#christchurchswindon #remembranceweek #wewillrememberthem

Remembrance Week – Memorials and Graves at Christ Church2023-11-08T12:02:03+00:00
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