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‘The Bible in an Hour’


Saturday 21st October

11am in Christ Church

‘The Bible in an Hour’

– a dramatic presentation by the Revd. Richard Cresswell, Vicar of Bradley Stoke

Come along and join us on the day or watch online.

‘The Bible in an Hour’2023-10-20T16:17:00+01:00

Signup for the Church Weekend at Home


Church Weekend at Home ‘Rhythms for Living’ – Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd October

A programme for the weekend is available at the back of church and St Mary’s.

You can also download a copy

Please collect one and fill in the response form and return it as soon as possible.

Some highlights from the programme include:

Saturday morning 21st. Join us in Christ Church at 11am ; Revd Rich Cresswell presentation; The Bible in one hour (watch a live stream on our YOUTUBE channel.)

Bring and share lunch

Afternoon craft activities and ramble options

Fish and Chip supper and fun and games in the evening – please sign up in advance by contacting the parish office 01793 522832)

Sunday 22nd Join us for 10am Holy Communion with Bishop Viv, Bishop of Bristol

After refreshments in church, there will be a Question and Answer session with Bishop Viv in church.

Please remember the final preparations for this in your prayers.

You can view Simon’s personal invite to the weekend at the following link:

Signup for the Church Weekend at Home2023-10-20T16:11:15+01:00

Simon’s 25th Anniversary Celebration Service Photographs and Video


You can view photographs and video of Simon’s 25th Anniversary Celebration Service here…

The official photographs of Simon’s 25th Anniversary Celebrations, taken by the Revd Canon Chris Dobson from the Diocese of Bristol Ministry Team, have now been released and can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

View the photographs here

If you missed the service, you can watch it back again on our YouTube channel by clicking the image below:

Simon’s 25th Anniversary Celebration Service Photographs and Video2023-10-11T10:53:03+01:00

Church Weekend at Home – Rhythms for Living

Church Weekend at Home – Rhythms for Living

You are warmly invited to our Church Weekend at Home on the weekend of 21st and 22nd October, 2023.

Please watch the the video invitation from Simon.

A programme for the weekend is available at the back of church and St Mary’s. Please collect one and fill in the response form and return them as soon as possible.

You can also download a programme at the following link:

Please remember the preparations for this in your prayers and we look forward to you joining us – All welcome!
Church Weekend at Home – Rhythms for Living2023-10-06T14:27:20+01:00

An invitation to celebrate the Revd. Canon Simon Stevenette’s 25 years as vicar of Christ Church


Simon & Nicola at the heart of Old Town Community Life

You are warmly invited to join us to celebrate the Revd.Canon Simon Stevenette’s 25 years as vicar of Christ Church with St Mary’s in Swindon on the weekend of Friday 6th to Sunday 8th October 2023.

Friday 6th October, 7.30pm Service of Celebration, Thanksgiving and Recommitment

Celebrating the 25th anniversary of Simon’s installation as our vicar, followed by a cheese, wine and soft drinks reception in the Community Centre.
Music will be led by the Partnership Choir and Toast music group.

Click to Download the order of service

Sunday 8th October, 10am Holy Communion– led by the Revd. Canon Simon Stevenette with Ailsa Palmer preaching

Sermon theme: ‘Lunch with Levi’

Bible Readings: Philippians 3: 4b-14, Luke 5: 27-32

Reader: Jane Humphreys
Prayers: John Humphreys

Please join us this weekend for these special celebrations or join us on our YOUTUBE Channel- All welcome!

An invitation to celebrate the Revd. Canon Simon Stevenette’s 25 years as vicar of Christ Church2023-10-06T13:04:12+01:00

10th Anniversary Quiz Night


The Community Centre is turning 10 years old this year.

Why not come along to our fun anniversary quiz night in partnership with the Old Town Residents Association on Friday 1st December 2023.

Doors open at 7pm, games begin at 7.30pm.

There will be some questions specific to Old Town and Christ Church plus some other fun rounds.

Teams of 2-6 people.

Only £6 each.

Food included (half a pizza per person) as part of your ticket price.

Pay bar available.

What are you waiting for? Book tickets now before it’s too late at:


19:00-23:00 Friday 1st December 2023

Community Centre @ Christ Church

Adult ticket: £6.00 + £0.30 booking fee

If you have a question about this event, please contact:
Chris Smith

10th Anniversary Quiz Night2023-09-29T14:57:26+01:00

Ride and Stride 2023 Update


Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust Ride and Stride 2023 Update

The Ride & Stride 2023 took place last Saturday in aid of Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust and Christ Church.

THANK YOU to our Christ Church Riders and Striders – Caroline and Daniel, Chris, Steve and Carol and to those who have already supported them.

Some stats for you:

Caroline caught 7 buses and visited 15 churches. Carol walked over 18 miles in the blistering (literally!) heat and visited 23 churches. Daniel cycled solo and visited 11 churches. Steve and Chris cycled mostly together; Chris rode over 42 miles and visited 38 churches, Steve cycled 51 miles and visited 41 churches.

The record for Christ Church is still with Janet French who achieved 42 churches some years ago on her trusty cycle!

Between them, our team has so far raised in excess of £500 for the Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust, of which almost half will come back to Christ Church.

You can watch a brief slide-show of the adventure below:

There is still time to recognise their achievements and sponsor them here:


Thank you for all of your support!

Ride and Stride 2023 Update2023-09-15T13:10:08+01:00

Living Generously


Living Generously – Our Stewardship Campaign 2023 is Launched

Our 2023 Stewardship Campaign – Living Generously launches this Sunday, 17th September.

If you are on the Church Electoral Roll you will find an envelope with your name on at the back of the church.  If there is no envelope for you please just take an unnamed one.

In the pack you will find all the information you need about this year’s campaign.

Our Treasurer, Paul, will make a presentation in church on Sunday at the 10am service so do come along to find out more.

You can also download and read this year’s stewardship leaflet by clicking the link below:

Stewardship Campaign 2023 Booklet Final

”Thank you for all your support and encouragement”  The Revd. Canon Simon Stevenette

Living Generously2023-09-15T12:45:17+01:00

How to join the Parish Giving Scheme


Christ Church is at the heart of it’s community, serving the needs of local people and acting as a central meeting place for a whole variety of community activities. Our mission is to proclaim Christ through teaching and example. Welcome and serve all, through hospitality. We encourage people to find God through worship, faith and prayer by providing a spiritual home and resources for the local community.

We rely on the gifts, goodwill and legacies of our friends in the community to continue this mission. If you are able, we value regular donations, although of course, gifts of any kind are greatfully received. Our preferred method for regular giving is the Parish Giving Scheme.

What is the Parish Giving Scheme?

The PGS is administered by the Church of England, at no cost to us, and provides a secure method for members to make regular donations to a Church of their choice.

Why is it better than Standing Order.

The PGS dramatically improves our cashflow and reduces our administration, enabling us to receive your donations and any gift aid claimable on them within the first week or so of each month.It also offers peace of mind that the Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme protects your gifts.

How do I join?

There are 2 easy ways to donate to Christ Church through the PGS; you can set up your Direct Debit online or by telephone. If you would like more information or help applying then please contact Stephen Grosvenor Gift Aid Secretary on stephen@christchurchswindon.co.uk or 07885 217077


Click this link to go to our dedicated Parish Giving page https://www.parishgiving.org.uk/donors/find-your-parish/swindon-christchurch-st-mary-swindon/

By Telephone

Alternatively, you can set up your regular gift by phoning the PGS team on 0333 002 1271, Monday to Friday, 9-5. They will ask for our Parish Giving code which is Christ Church’s parish code is 050605176

If you’d like to know more, please get in touch with Stephen Grosvenor our Gift Aid Secretary stephen@Christchurchswindon.co.uk 01793 341034

Can you still claim Gift Aid on my gifts?

If you are a UK taxpayer, during the sign up process you will be asked if about Gift Aid. It adds a valuable additional 25% to your giving at no cost to you.

What happens if my circumstances change?

As a PGS member, you will receive a log in which will enable you to track your giving and make changes whenever you need to. You can make one-off additional donations at any time. The telephone service will help those without access to online services.

I want to help but I don’t really understand all this, can I get some help?

Of course, contact Stephen Grosvenor your Gift Aid Secretary in confidence, and he will be glad to help. Stephen@christchurchswindon.co.uk 07885 217077

How to join the Parish Giving Scheme2023-09-07T15:47:58+01:00

The Church Development Tool – A New Way of Planning Together


Church Development survey 3rd – 17th September

This year we are running the Church Development Survey in this church. It’s a quick, anonymous survey that we’re inviting everyone in the church to complete, to help us understand ourselves as a church and help us shape our prayers and our planning for the year ahead.

Scroll down to find out how to submit your thoughts.

The survey will help us answer three questions:

What should our focus be?

Your answers will help us decide about what we could be doing more of or less of as a church.

How do we like to express and grow our faith in this church?

Your answers will help us spot our strengths and how we could grow in our faith journey together.

What groups of people do we have in our church?

The survey will also ask you for some demographic information, such as your age group and ethnicity. We ask these questions so that we can check how far the makeup of our church mirrors the makeup of the local community. This will help us check what groups we’re reaching already and where there are opportunities to improve.

What do we expect to gain from the Survey?

What we find out will help us see where we’re doing well and help us discern areas where God might be calling us to do something new or different.

It’s important that as many people as possible in the church answer the survey, so that we get an accurate picture.

There are separate surveys for Early Years (0-5 years), Juniors (6-13 years) and adults (14+).

A large print version of the adult survey is also available.

We need you to complete the survey by midnight on Sunday 17th September please.

After that time your response will not be included in our report.

There are 2 ways to complete the survey:

Click the links below to complete the survey online:

For Christ Church click here

For St Mary’s click here

Complete a paper version

Ask the Parish office for a paper copy, which should be returned in the envelope provided by 17th September.

Thank you!

The Church Development Tool – A New Way of Planning Together2023-09-07T16:20:09+01:00

Wiltshire Historic Churches Ride & Stride 2023


Just 1 Week to go until Ride & Stride 2023 – Still time to signup or support us!

Saturday 9th September between 10am and 6pm

The idea is to visit as many churches as you want, either on foot, bike or horseback.
You can be sponsored for a total amount or per place visited.

Money raised is split between our churches and WHCT, who give grants towards repairs of ancient places of worship.

The Community Centre has a team taking part this year and request you kindly support them with their fundraising at:

Help is also needed during the day to welcome people to Christ Church and St Mary’s.

For sponsor forms and more details visit the Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust website at:

or contact Arline, your parish organiser.

For more information please contact Arline Stovell, royandarline@gmail.com 07716394754

Wiltshire Historic Churches Ride & Stride 20232023-09-01T15:30:08+01:00
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