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Partnership Lent Talks 2023


Who is Jesus? Christian Mission Today – Jesus Then and Now’

The talks will be held, each Wednesday during Lent,

in Christ Church Swindon.

Each evening will follow the program below. Those unable to attend in person are welcome to join in via our YOUTUBE Channel here

  • 7pm – Opening worship
  • 7.15pm – Talk
  • 7.55pm – Refreshments
  • 8.15pm -Questions to the speaker
  • 9pm – Finish

Wednesday 1st March – The Revd Jonathan Edwards, Baptist Minister at Central Church, Swindon and formerly General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain

Wednesday 8th March – The Very Revd. Dr Mandy Ford, Dean of Bristol Cathedral

Wednesday 15th March – The Revd Dr Susan Durber, United Reformed Church Minister, World Council of Churches President from Europe and Moderator of the Faith and Order Commission

Wednesday 22nd March – The Revd David Gray, Superintendent Minister, North Wiltshire Methodist Circuit

Wednesday 29th March – Dr Eric and Marguerite Holliday, Deacon/GP and Retired Clinical Psychologist, Holy Rood Roman Catholic Church

Wednesday 5th April – The Revd Dr Cathy Okoronkwo, Vicar of St Barnabas, Gorse Hill and All Saints Ferndale, Racial Justice Adviser for the Diocese of Bristol

Download a leaflet with the Lent Talks Information

Partnership Lent Talks 20232023-02-25T12:45:22+00:00

Farewell to Bishop Lee


Bishop Lee has served as Bishop of Swindon for 18 years with great compassion and deep faithfulness, modelling the virtues of creativity, generosity, bravery and openness which our Diocese holds dear. Committed to evangelism, +Lee led the work to bring Pattern Church to life in Swindon. As a Christian and a scientist he has contributed nationally to debates on scientific and medical research. Most recently as a pastor, he led our work on Living in Love and Faith enabling many to explore the issues in sexuality which continue to divide the church.

He has announced his intention to retire at the end of April 2023. We will miss him and Liz.

You can read his announcement in full here.

Farewell to Bishop Lee2023-02-15T18:04:39+00:00

Church of England and same Sex relationships

Church of England’s stance on same sex relationships

This week I have conversations with members of the congregation who feel strongly, on both sides, about the Bishops’ advice to General Synod announced last Friday. Please join me in praying for unity in the Church of England and for all those who are worried by the future, either because there is not enough change or because there is too much change from what the Church of England had traditionally taught about marriage and relationships. I include a link to Bishop Viv’s statement published this last week. Please join me in praying for our General Synod members who will be meeting from 6-9th February in London to decide on the way forward.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me or a member of the staff team if you would value a conversation or prayer together.
Every blessing Simon

Read Bishop Viv’s personal statement on same sex relationships

Church of England and same Sex relationships2023-01-27T16:37:35+00:00

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023


For this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity we are guided by the churches of Minneapolis as we seek to explore how the work of Christian unity can contribute to the promotion of racial justice across all levels of society. Through this resource, the CTBI writers’ group has also focussed our attention on the 30th anniversary of the murder of Stephen Lawrence, which we mark in 2023. The work of restoring hope through justice undertaken in Stephen’s memory continues to inspire and change lives for the better.

Watch a film here of Stories and testimonies from Black and Asian Christians who pioneered racial justice in the Church and society over the last 25 years.


Find more resources to support the Week of Prayer on the Churches Together website here

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 20232023-01-21T10:54:29+00:00

Holocaust Memorial Day


HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY at 12 noon on Friday 27 JANUARY 2023

There will be three parts to the day.

First, at 12 noon on Friday 27th January at the Cenotaph in Regents Circus there will be a short (20-minute) ceremony, including talk and wreath-laying.

Next, at 12.30 pm the same day, Friday 27th January, at the Friends Meeting House, Eastcott Hill, there will be a gathering for readings and reflection. Light lunchtime refreshments, including sandwiches and hot drinks are provided. This gathering is expected to last an hour, with readings and presentations by members of many of Swindon’s faith groups and community groups, as well as contributions from individuals.

Finally, at 6.30pm in the Auditorium in the Sixth Form Centre at The Commonweal School, The Mall, SN1 4JE there will be a free showing of the award-winning documentary film Final Account made by the late Luke Holland, a former pupil of The Commonweal School. The film looks closely at the involvement of ‘ordinary people’ in the mid-European mid-twentieth century genocide. It comprises interviews with the last living generation of Hitler’s Third Reich and raises key questions about authority, conformity, obedience, national identity, and people’s roles in the decisions and directions taken by their own government, questions that may still be relevant today.

See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qobRIgAyQiY

NOTE. The theme for Holocaust Memorial Day this year is ORDINARY PEOPLE, which chiefly acknowledges two things. First, that genocide is facilitated by ordinary people, who may turn a blind eye, believe propaganda, and join murderous regimes. Second, that those who are persecuted, oppressed, and murdered in genocide are not persecuted because of crimes they’ve committed – but simply because they are ordinary people who belong to a particular group, class, or race of which others disapprove. Ordinary people still suffer such persecution today.

The aftermath of the Holocaust and of subsequent genocides continues to raise challenging questions for individuals, communities, and nations. H.M.D. 2023 asks people to think about what happens before and after genocide, war, and persecution, and of our own responsibilities in relation to such matters of life and death.

Holocaust Memorial Day2023-01-21T10:28:26+00:00

Job Opportunity – Christ Church Assistant

20 hours per week to include some evening and weekend working. Salary £11,440

Applications are invited for the post of Christ Church Assistant (CCA).
Christ Church are looking to appoint a CCA who will be specifically responsible for managing our social media, marketing, communications, fundraising, grant applications and event planning. This is a joint role for both the church and Community Centre.
The role of the CCA will also be to provide operational and administrative support for the whole site of Christ Church including the church, community centre and burial ground.

The CCA will ideally have had experience of working within a church or community facility. The person will need to be friendly, customer focused and able to work both independently and as part of a team. This role will be critical in supporting the existing staff and volunteers involved at Christ Church as we work to promote our activities more effectively.
The successful applicant should have excellent communication, good organisational skills and be well educated in social media.

Please contact Chris Smith for an application pack:
Chris Smith, Christ Church Operations Manager, Community Centre @ Christ Church, Cricklade Street, Swindon SN1 3HB
Telephone number 07582 305760 or e-mail chris@christchurchswindon.co.uk
Closing date: Monday 6th February 2023
Interview to be held W/C Monday 20th February 2023

Start date: as soon as possible subject to any notice period

Job Opportunity – Christ Church Assistant2023-01-21T10:19:07+00:00

Jubilee Garden Plans


With Spring and warmer weather in our sights, we are preparing a draft submission to the Church authorities for permission to continue with the refurbishment of the former Rose Garden ( now the Jubilee Garden).

Following the success of the first phase of the project, the North South Section of the garden, we are keen to keep momentum in this important work.

All work to the church and its grounds are closely managed by the Dicocesan faculty office which acts as a planning authority. We have submitted proposals for the final section which involves repairing and restoring path and turf edges, creating safe, accessible access to the garden and removing self sown holly trees and shrubs. You can download the draft proposals here.

Support us

The works to create the Jubilee Memorial Garden have been financed by donations from our Community. If you would like to support this project you do so on our Just Giving page here or by contacting the Parish office (01793 522832)

Jubilee Garden Plans2023-01-14T13:59:14+00:00

Racial Justice


With increasing numbers of people from other countries joining our congregation we have invited The Revd Cathy Okoronkwo, Racial Justice Adviser in our Bristol Diocese, to lead two Unconscious Bias training sessions on:

  • Monday 13th February 11-12.30pm on Unconscious Bias – in the Community Centre.
  • Tuesday 14th February 2pm -3.30pm on Welcome and Hospitality – in the Large Meeting Room or in Christ Church if numbers are large.

I very much hope that you will be able to attend both sessions. This will be very helpful in enabling us to develop and grow our ministry this year on solid foundations.
The sessions will be open to our whole congregation and to friends from across the Old Town Partnership. Please pass the word around.
An RSVP would be appreciated. Simon (simon@christchurchswindon.co.uk) 529166

Church Commissioners Report

The Church Commissioners of the Church of England have published their full report into historic links to Transatlantic Slavery. They have also announced a new £100m funding commitment in response to the findings, saying “The Church Commissioners’ Board has committed itself to trying to address some of the past wrongs by investing in a better future. Read it here.

Racial Justice2023-01-14T12:20:25+00:00

Alone at Christmas 2022


After a gap of 2 years, during which time we provided hampers to those who would be alone at Christmas, we are back to the real thing!

On Christmas day, we provided a 3 course Christmas meal for around 110 people, those who would have otherwise been on their own on Christmas day. Everyone who came along, including the many volunteers, had a wonderful day together. As well as the fantastic food cooked by SImon Giles and his helpers, they enjoyed some carol singing, Christmas quizzes and the Kings speech. This event couldn’t have been possible without more than 100 volunteers who took part both on the day itself and in advance.

So thank you to the setters-up, the taxi drivers, cooks, table hosts, tidier-uppers and to the companies and private individuals who all contributed in their own ways to make the day happen.

We are so grateful for the many community minded people who really helped make the day special for so many. I am proud of what we all achieved to help combat loneliness this Christmas in what was our 5th year. Happy New Year everyone and thank you xx

Alone at Christmas 20222023-01-07T15:15:26+00:00

Support our work in the Community


We need your donations, more than ever, to support our work in the community. We don’t receive grants or subsidies from the Anglican church or Government. All the funds needed to keep our church and its work going are provided by regular donations, legacies and fundraising. Our congregation, Friends and supporters provide vital funds each year to ensure that the Church and its grounds are always available – whether it be for regular worship, weddings, funerals christenings, festivals, concerts or just quiet reflection. If you consider yourself part of our Community or value our contribution then please consider supporting us with either a regular donation,one-off gift or legacy.

Our preferred method for receiving, regular, donations is via the Church of England’s Parish Giving Scheme. These can be monthly, quarterly or annual gifts. The scheme manages all the administration of collection, gift aid claims ( if the giver is eligible as a regular tax payer) and greatly improves our cashflow by paying us monthly, as well as reducing our own administration. It’s easy to sign up – you can find our Parish page here on the PGS website

Other ways of Giving

You can also give by credit or debit card at our donation station at the back of church.

Check out our donation page for more ideas.

Support our work in the Community2023-01-07T14:57:03+00:00

Swindon Humanitarian Aid Partnership


The Swindon Humanitarian Aid Partnership (SHAP) is delighted to announce a post-Christmas initiative, Lights for Ukraine, that appeals to all local people keen to do something to help and support families living through a freezing winter in Ukraine.

At best, most people in Ukraine have only 3 to 4 hours electricity each day. Basic necessities such as lights are a real challenge.Many of us will celebrate Christmas with candles -on the dining room table, in the lounge and on the fireplace -and very lovely they will look too. But when Christmas is over please, please don’t throw the left over candles away . Bring them along to our aid drop off point at The Community Centre, Christ Church in Old Town Swindon.

SHAP will collect every last one and with the help of lots of volunteers will make hundreds of new candles -transport them out to Ukraine in the new year and help the tenacious and resilient Ukrainian people get through an unimaginably tough few months.

Just look at these -used food tins filled with strips of cardboard and covered in wax. Known in Ukraine as Trench Candles and used as a heat and cooking source

All enquiries to SHAP Chair Mike Bowden on 07989 494319

Simon and Mike Bowden were interviewed by BBC Points West on Friday 6th January regarding the ‘Lights for Ukraine’ project, for which we have had a good response. This will be broadcast on Wednesday 11th January – please do watch either live or on catch up if you can.


Swindon Humanitarian Aid Partnership2023-01-07T13:00:29+00:00

South Swindon in Bloom


Work on our various gardens in the Christ Church grounds has proceeded steadily under the expert and loving attention of Ian Handy and his team.The first phase of the former Rose Garden was completed this year and the newly christened Jubilee Memorial Garden has been a great contribution.

Now this work has been formally recognised by an award from South Swindon Council. Read more about the Councils other projects here

Work on the second phase of the garden will start in 2023. Our thanks go to Ian and the team for their hard work and commitment to making our gardens beautiful and cared for.

South Swindon in Bloom2022-12-15T18:54:40+00:00
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